Chlorophyll vs Haemoglobin
The intricacies of our world are incalculable. People are still the MOST important of ALL creation, says the Creator.
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And they remembered that God was their Rock, and the Most High God their Redeemer. Psalm 78:35
It isn’t about just taking a capsule or a liquid which will supply the nutrients missing in one’s diet. In a proverbial nutshell, it is about ingestion of nutrients, utilisation fully on a cellular level, and the elimination of unusable molecules.
This book will not turn over every stone regarding all needs of the human body. In fact, some stones turned over will point to other stones which you will find elsewhere. Ultimately all stones lead to Jesus. Which leads us back to - magnesium…
Magnesium is so important although there is only approximately 3-5 ounces in a human body, 65% contained in bones and teeth, the other 35% in the blood, fluids, tissues. Magnesium is NOT stored in our body. It is “used up” every day. Calcium and most other minerals are stored. All green plant foodstuffs contain magnesium.
Magnesium is involved in at least 300 known enzymatic reactions. Without magnesium, we would literally spasm to death (heart and blood vessels for starters).
It is such an important mineral that God provided for a structure in the blood of humans (haemoglobin) to have almost the exact same configuration as the structure in the “blood of plants” (chlorophyll)! That structure is a porphyrin ring.
Basically, the only difference between the two structures is that in the middle of the haemoglobin porphyrin ring is an ion of - iron, and in the middle of the chlorophyll porphyrin ring is an ion of - magnesium. Is that incredible or WHAT?
The structure of the solid part of the blood of humans is basically almost the same as the “blood” of plants.
It is the photo-synthesizing (aka “light-using”) ability of chlorophyll which allows plants to grow and live just as it is the oxygen carrying ability of haemoglobin which allows humans to grow and live.
Magnesium deficiency induced by: not eating enough green plants, a diet high in processed foods, meat, sodas, refined carbohydrates; can lead to hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, vasoconstriction. Physical and/or emotional stress place demands for additional magnesium and so the downward spiral begins.
Foods highest in magnesium are any plant foods, (especially green ones), and fish.
Waaay back in 1985, the then “official” recommended magnesium intake was below-the- average for approximately 80-85% of females and 75% of males (adult).
“I fights to the finish coz I eats my spinach, I’m Popeye The Sailor Man, toot toot!” If you don’t know THAT song — you are too young. haha
“BEHOLD I LAY IN ZION A CHOICE STONE, A PRECIOUS CORNERSTONE, AND HE WHO BELIVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.“ This precious value, then, is for you who believe: but for those who disbelieve, “THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNERSTONE,“ and, “A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE”; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed. 1Peter 2:6-8